Genie NakellGenie Nakell has been a Realtor since 1982, and has been in the home business for 43 years. She’s co-written a book on timber framing, owned her own building company, and built houses on spec, among other things. She’s no nonsense, no pressure, and ready to help you find and buy a house.

Contact Genie

Why Clients Recommend Genie

quote-beginFrom making things so easy for us as new parents right through to accepting no less than a freshly cleaned house for us… we know she would say it’s just her job but we know it was also her kindness and generosity. quote-end

—Bernardo and Karen,

quote-beginShe was a delight and a wonderful support when the going got tough over the ten month period. In the end, she got me to where I wanted to be. I don’t know what I would have done without her. quote-end


quote-beginGenie was there no matter what time we emailed, called or texted her, day or night.  She was always available to go to showings and was so helpful with finding a home that fit our needs. quote-end

—Danielle & Kyran,

So you’re ready to find and buy a home and plan to do it all yourself?

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South Portland





Credit Where Credit Is Due

Why is it important to check my credit report? There is one key piece of paper to have in hand before you start looking for that perfect home that will increase your chances of having your offer accepted:  pre-approval from a mortgage lender.  And the lender will run a credit check as part of issuing…


Why Does Closing Take So Long?

After the rush of offer and counter-offer deadlines, the home buying process slows down considerably, since it can take up to 45 days before closing and moving in. What’s going on? The largest part of this time is taken up with the mortgage loan approval process. You have probably already been in contact with lenders…


“Let’s make a deal”

Let’s make a deal! The offer is in…you’ve got your fingers crossed. And you are probably feeling anxious. When an offer is presented, two things are almost always certain: the seller knows the buyer most likely will pay more than their offer, and the buyer knows the seller most likely will take less than the…
